Hello I’m Amber O’Brien

Operations Management Consulting

Improve Your Business
By Implementing
Innovative Operations

Let’s Boost Your Business!

The Vision

Don’t you just love working with amazing people fueled by an incredible mission?
Well, so do I!

I’m truly excited to share my operations management expertise. I love working with individuals, entrepreneurs, companies, and organizations that are focused on doing good works in the world.

Throughout my career, I’ve had the pleasure of building a large network where strong relationships are constantly fostered between caring individuals. The combination of unmatched experience and remarkable resources are consistently intertwined.

My overall goal is to provide exceptional operations support to both large and small organizations run by salt of the earth folk just like yourself!

Interestingly enough, you and I speak the same language!

How Can I Be of Service?

Operations-Based Support Is What I Do Best!

Have you been feeling as though your internal systems are a bit messier than you’d like?

Once we partner up, you’ll instantly have an operations management professional by your side! We’ll collaborate to discover what your business needs and how I can best help you implement a winning strategy.

Through innovative ideas and seamless execution, your startup business will be successfully up and running in no time. Even mature business owners can benefit from my pure tenacity and entrepreneurial spirit!

Your personalized operations strategy is going to transform the trajectory of your business!

Operations Management

Human Resources


Project Management

Process Documentation

Professional Oversight

Core Values

Soli Deo Gloria

Regardless of what we are working on together, may all the glory be given to God. Glory to God alone!

Good Work Comes From Great People

Together, we can continue to serve the community through faithful works that create an undeniably positive impact. Let’s be the salt and light!

High Integrity

My top priority is to ensure every amazing individual I work with is treated with honor and respect and that all work is done with the highest level of integrity. Good works!

Driven Individuals

I love serving others as we follow our calling and passion to deliver on fulfilling initiatives. Mission based!

Amber O’Brien | Founder of In Service Consultancy

My name is Amber O’Brien and my professional skills lie comfortably within the broad scope of operations management. I have a BA in Accounting which has supported my ability to successfully obtain valuable knowledge in various facets of the operations management sector.

One of my most prized roles was serving as Operations Manager for a FinTech Startup now worth over $2B. My primary role consisted of helping create the scaffolding of HR, Payroll, Accounting, Legal, and Process Documentation so the startup could see exponential growth.

While I successfully managed the bureaucratic pieces of this complex FinTech puzzle, the founders had the freedom to create and innovate. I personally implemented a structure that met all the necessary compliance requirements to provide them with peace of mind that operations were handled.

I also had the pleasure of serving as the Finance/Operations Director for an amazing non-profit organization. For over 2.5 years I shared my knowledge and expertise with people who strive to make the world a better place every single day. I’m blessed to have been able to serve this organization.

As a woman of faith I am driven to continuously work with tremendous individuals and organizations within my community that are supporting incredible causes. Utilizing my strong professional background for the good of the community brings immeasurable joy to my heart.

I love always being “in service” to the people who need me most!

Let’s Achieve Your Goals Together!

Don’t miss the chance to connect with a professional like me on YOUR next amazing project!

Take advantage of this exclusive invite to schedule a one-on-one consultation with me.

Click Schedule a Call to get started TODAY!